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Friday, August 29, 2008
Sixth Pay Commission notification released
By Agencies on Friday, August 29, 2008Filed Under: Latest India News
Now it is the time to get the sixth pay commission notification after approval of 6th pay commission report by cabinet on 14th August 2008. In this sixth pay commission notification you can expect to get exact value of DA applicable on all time from 01.01.2006.
The notification will be available on pib.nic.in from tomorrow (Friday) ( it will be available here also).Only DA value may change at tomorrow’s notification , it is to be observed in notification on Friday.
40% arrears is expected to be paid before Deepawali.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Gazette Notification of sixth pay commission recommendations expected on Friday
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pay panel notification likely tomorrow
Sources said the dearness allowance effective this July is also likely to be announced the same day.
On August 14, the Union Cabinet had approved an improved and tweaked version of the Sixth Pay Commission award with effect from January 1, 2006.
Consequently, an estimated 4.6 million central government employees will receive a raise of 28-40 per cent over their existing basic pay. Employees will start receiving their higher salaries and allowances with effect from this September.
Sources added the first instalment of arrears of Rs 11,748 crore will be paid in cash with effect from September as announced earlier. There had been some apprehensions that with the upcoming fifteenth session of the Lok Sabha scheduled to begin on October 17, Parliamentary sanction for the additional spending sought under the supplementary demand for grants would somehow delay the arrears payment.
However, sources said the arrears would be paid from the salary account of the government.
The Cabinet had decided to issue arrears in cash over two years — 2008-09 and 2009-10 — with the first instalment of 40 per cent being paid by September and the balance next year.
As a consequence of the revised salaries and allowances, the central government’s wage bill is expected to increase 21 per cent on account of an additional expenditure of Rs 22,100 crore in the current financial year (2008-09). Of this, Rs 15,700 crore will be accounted for by the central government employees and Rs 6,400 crore by the railway staff.
Of the Rs 15,700 crore, the first installment of arrears will account for Rs 8,048 crore. Of the Rs 6,400 crore impact on the railway budget, Rs 3,700 crore will be arrears.
The annualised impact of the new salary structure is estimated at Rs 17,798 crore, adding to the approximate Rs 1,04,000 crore annual pay, allowances and pension bill of the Centre.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Grade Pay recommended by 6CPC likely to revised
Friday, August 22, 2008
No need for inflation index for govt staff: Sen
India’s Chief Statistician Pronab Sen has said there is no need to construct a separate price index for government employees as suggested by the Sixth Pay Commission.
He said the existing inflation measure for industrial workers was working fine and building a new index would be costly.
The commission has suggested a separate index reflecting the spending of the government employees so that they can be protected from inflation.
“Frankly, it (the CPI for government employees) will not make much of a difference”, Sen said. “The consumption pattern of government employees is similar to industrial workers,” he added.
Sen put the number of government staff (in states and at the Centre) at around 12 million and said their dearness allowance (DA) was revised periodically based on the reference inflation number, which is currently the CPI for industrial workers.
After the commission’s report was submitted to the finance minister in March, the government wrote to the National Statistical Commission on the proposal for a separate CPI for government employees. Sen is also the secretary of the commission, which is yet to reply on the matter.
Nearly 60 per cent government employees are in the Group D category, which is the lower end of the government hierarchy, and their consumption pattern is not different from that of industrial workers, said Sen.
The problem in building a new index is that government employees form a small portion of India’s total workforce, which is estimated at 420 million.
At 12 million, government staff make up less than 3 per cent of total workers. This will make it difficult to find enough samples from the existing surveys. The number of industrial and agriculture workers are estimated at 40 million and 208 million, respectively.
An important rule in random sampling is that each member of the population should have an equal chance of being included. Thus, if we have a sample size of 10,000 workers, it will have only around 300 government employees, which is too small a sample to construct a separate index.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The finance ministry was overruled in the Sixth Pay Commission case
A K Bhattacharya / New Delhi August 19, 2008, 4:55 IST
The finance ministry was overruled in the Sixth Pay Commission case and cut a sorry figure in the 3G matter.
In respect of the guidelines for 3G telephone services, the finance ministry’s objections were rather strange. The allegation was that the guidelines were finalised and announced without proper consultation with the finance ministry. The telecommunications department was not amused by these charges. It argued that there was an inter-ministerial body that discussed these guidelines and only after obtaining its clearance were the guidelines approved and made public. The inter-ministerial body had a senior official from the finance ministry as one of its members.
The telecom department had a valid question: What was the finance ministry representative doing at this meeting? And did the telecom department require a separate and specific clearance of the finance ministry? The finance ministry may have some reasons to question the validity of the guidelines. But it seems that the finance ministry’s opposition has been brushed aside and there will not be any official hurdle in the way of the grant of 3G licences. The irony of the whole drama is that one of the biggest beneficiaries of the telecom department’s decision will be the finance ministry, which will receive an estimated Rs 40,000 crore by way of licence fees from the various telecom players which will roll out 3G services on the basis of these new guidelines.
The drama over the Pay Commission’s recommendations was even more bizarre. The finance ministry expressed its serious reservations about the pay increase recommendations because of the adverse impact they would have on the government’s finances. There was even a proposal that the date of enforcing the award should be postponed by a year to reduce the government’s financial burden. There was another proposal that envisaged that the arrears, instead of being paid out to the employees, should be transferred to their individual Provident Fund (PF) account. In this way, the immediate impact of the Pay Commission award would have been deferred for some years. But the Union Cabinet decided against both the suggestions. And this happened because the prime minister decided in his wisdom that with general elections due to be held soon, it was time to keep about four million central government employees and an equal number of pensioners happy and beholden to the government.
In one instance, the finance ministry tried to prevent the kind of fiscal profligacy that can play havoc with the government’s finances and the economy. And in the other instance, the ministry tried to assert its right to be consulted on the question of framing a policy that has substantial financial implications. In both the cases, it got over-ruled. In respect of the Pay Commission recommendations, its sensible advice got superseded by the government’s political considerations. With regard to the 3G telephone service guidelines, the finance ministry’s objections were set aside simply because it either had a poor argument or it failed to make out a convincing case.
But the point to be noted here is that even a poor argument in the early days of economic reforms in the 1990s would have won the finance ministry any battle that it wished to be engaged in. North Block, where the finance ministry is located, enjoyed a clout that was formidable and could influence decision making by different economic ministries in the 1990s. Those days, the finance ministry played a big role in deciding foreign investment norms for different sectors or, for that matter, in framing the first telecom policy that was unveiled in 1993. That clout has considerably waned over the years. And that’s the big difference between the finance ministry of the 1990s and what it is now.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Govt extends pension entitlement to 20 yrs
In a development that could well encourage more civil servants and armed forces personnel to opt for careers in the private sector, the government has decided to grant full pension benefits to all government employees who leave after 20 years in service, against the current 33 years.
The Union Cabinet has accepted this proposal, along with other recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission on pension benefits for the estimated 3.84 million central government pensioners at a meeting here on Thursday. Experts said the reduction in the number of years of service to 20 years to earn full pension benefit was a liberal move and would end stagnation in government service.
Government officials told Business Standard that several other recommendations have also been accepted. These include raising the gratuity limit to Rs 10 lakh, higher pension for octogenarians, exclusion of earned leave encashed while in service from the overall limit, clubbing of earned leave and half-day pay leave for encashment.
Octogenarians will now be paid an additional 20 per cent of their basic pension, while those aged 85 will get 30 per cent more, rising to 100 per cent additional pension for centurions.
Officials said the final award for pensioners accepted by the government implied that central government pensioners would receive an overall increase of 40 per cent in pension. As a result the total estimated pension liability of nearly Rs 29,900 crore of the central government will go up by nearly Rs 1,400 crore annually.
Based on the Invest India Incomes and Savings Survey, 2007, it is estimated that 5.3 per cent central government employees (170,000) are likely to retire in the two years till 2009-10.
Another proposal to change the commutation formula and outsource the process to public sector banks, which would have saved the government Rs 2,344 crore annually, is also likely to have been accepted. If implemented, the government will bear only a notional subsidy on account of the interest payable to banks by employees who decide to commute a part of their pension, against the entire amount plus interest.
The central government had estimated 3,321,210 employees (excluding defence personnel) on its rolls in 2007, with the number projected to go up marginally to 3,329,682 in 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
6th Pay Commission and pay bands for all posts
Thursday, August 14, 2008
- Uniform 3% raise in basic pay every year. The norm is a Rs 500-increase annually within grade scale
- The minimum basic pay for a central government employee will be Rs.7,000 a month now, which will translate to around Rs.10,000 after adding allowances
- The hiked salary would be given to the employees beginning September this year
- 40 percent of the arrears be paid in the current fiscal and the remaining 60 percent next year. The arrears would be paid in cash.
- The gazetted holidays have been abolished and there will be only three national holidays. The central government employees will be working 5 days a week
- Maternity leave for the women has been increased to 6 months.
- Total number of salary grades to be reduced from 35 to 20.
- Flexible working hours for people suffering from disability
- A 20 % raise over the pay bands suggested by the Commission
- New wages to be effective from January 2006
- No Cabinet Secretary rank for Intelligence Bureau chief, the three Service chiefs or the Chairman, Railway Board
- Group D personnel to stay (peons in ministries and porters in Railways)
- Military service pay for persons below the officer rank (POBR) would be Rs 2,000 per month
- The disability pension for military personnel has been increased from Rs. 1550 to Rs. 3100 per month.
- Higher ranked military officials will get a military service pay (MSP) of Rs. 6000.
- Significant hike in salaries of Brigadiers: they move to Pay Band 4 (Rs 39,200-67,000) from the suggested Pay Band 3 (Rs 15,600-39,100)
- Three confirmed promotions in all government jobs including the armed forces.
- The civilians would get the promotion after 10, 20 and 30 years of service and the armed personnel would get it after 8, 16 and 24 years.
- DIG-scale abolished in IPS and Indian Forest Service
- More details would be announced by the prime minister during his Independence Day address from the ramparts of the Red Fort Friday.
केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों का वेतन बढ़ा
लाल किले से मिलेगी सेना को खुशखबरी सूचना एवं प्रसारण मंत्री प्रियरंजन दासमुंशी ने इसकी जानकारी देते हुए कहा कि छठे वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों को कुछ सुधारों के साथ सरकार ने स्वीकार कर लिया है।नए वेतनमान जनवरी 2006 से लागू होंगे। इससे केन्द्र सरकार के करीब 50 लाख कर्मचारी लाभान्वित होंगे।उन्होंने बताया कि केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों को जनवरी 2006 से बकाया राशि का भुगतान दो किश्तों में किया जाएगा। बकाया की पहली किश्त के रुप में 40 प्रतिशत राशि का भुगतान चालू वित्त वर्ष में ही कर दिया जाएगा, जबकि बकाया 60 प्रतिशत अगले वित्त वर्ष में दिया जाएगा।
बीएसएफ जवान वेतन आयोग रिपोर्ट से हताश उन्होंने बताया कि बढ़े वेतनमानों से केन्द्र सरकार पर इस साल 17 हजार 798 करोड़ रुपए का अतिरिक्त बोझ पड़ेगा, जबकि बकाए के भुगतान में 29 हजार 373 करोड़ रुपए का भार केन्द्र को उठाना होगा।
श्री दासमुंशी ने बताया कि केन्द्रीय कर्मचारियों को नए वेतनमान सितंबर के वेतन से मिलने शुरु हो जाएंगे।सरकारी कर्मचारी की न्यूनतम बेसिक अब 7000 रुपए होगी। इससे पहले आयोग ने 6660 रुपए न्यूनतम बेसिक की सिफारिश की थी। कुल मिलाकर सबसे निम्न श्रेणी के सरकारी कर्मचारी का मासिक वेतन भत्तों सहित अब 10000 रुपए से अधिक होगा।उन्होंने बताया कि छठे वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशें आने के बाद सरकारी कर्मचारियों के विभिन्न संगठनों और सुरक्षा बलों की तरफ से सरकार को कई ज्ञापन प्राप्त हुए। इन पर विचार के लिए केबिनेट सचिव की अध्यक्षता में सचिवों की समिति गठित की गई। इसी के आधार पर नए वेतनमान में कुछ सुधार किए गए।उन्होंने कहा कि नए वेतनमानों में कर्मचारियों की मांग के अनुरुप 12 प्रतिशत के पुराने महंगाई भत्ते को शामिल करते हुए फिटमेंट 28 से बढ़ाकर 40 प्रतिशत कर दी गई है। सालना वेतनवृद्धि भी ढाई प्रतिशत से बढ़ाकर तीन प्रतिशत कर दी गई है।‘ए-वन’ और ‘ए’ श्रेणी के शहरों के लिए न्यूनतम यातायात भत्ता जिसके लिए वेतन आयोग ने 400 रुपए की सिफारिश की थी उसे बढ़ाकर न्यूनतम स्तर पर 600 रुपए महीना कर दिया गया है। अन्य शहरों के लिए इसे 300 से बढाकर 400 रुपए किया गया है।एक अहम फैसले के तहत सैनिक और असैनिक सभी कर्मचारियों को नौकरी के दौरान कम से कम तीन पदोन्नति अवश्य दी जाएंगी। सशस्त्र बलों के कर्मचारियों को सेवाकाल के आठवें, सोहलवें और 24वें वर्ष में पदोन्नति मिलेगी जबकि असैनिक कर्मचारियों को यह सुविधा दस, बीस और 30साल की नौकरी पर मिलेगी।
सरकार ने पुलिस महानिदेशक, प्रधान मुख्य वन संरक्षक (पीसीसीएफ), रेलवे महाप्रबंधक, आयकर और उत्पाद एवं सीमा शुल्क बोर्ड के सदस्यों, डाक और आयुध फैक्टरी के उन अधिकारियों को जो कि 24,050 से 26,000 रुपए के वेतनमान में हैं, के लिए नया वेतनमान तैयार किया है जिसके मुताबिक उनका वेतन दो वर्ष में ही 80,000 रुपए तक पहुंच जाएगा, जबकि पहले उन्हें यह लाभ तीन वर्ष में मिलना था।दासमुंशी ने बताया कि भारतीय पुलिस सेवा (आईपीएस) और भारतीय वन सेवा (आईएफएस) के वेतन नियमों में भी उचित सुधार किया जाएगा।
उन्होंने कहा कि प्रत्येक राज्य में पुलिस महानिदेशक के एक पद और प्रधान वनाधिकारी के एक पद के लिए 80,000 रुपए का शीर्ष वेतनमान रखा जाएगा, ताकि वह अपने पद के अनुरुप बेहतर तरीके से नेतृत्व कर सकें।
Govt announces 21pc pay hike; arrears from 2006
Breaking News! A pay hike much higher than what was recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission, has been approved by the Union Cabinet. The latest increa
The net increase in the pay package will be around 30 percent with the additional increase for lower grade staff. The Pay Commission had calculated the dearness allowance as 74 percent. However, it is currently 83 percent. The Union Cabinet proposal also suggested a uniform 3 per cent raise in pay every year. Currently, the Central government employees get an automatic hike of Rs. 500 in the basic pay every year.Finance Minister P Chidambaram had suggested that the new pay hike be effective from January 2007. However, it was rejected by the Cabinet Committee. The new pay hike will be effective from January 1, 2006, which means there will be heavy cash bonanza for the bureaucrats in terms of arrears. Chidambaram's proposal of putting the arrears in the General Provident Fund was also rejected. The Pay Commission had recommended that 40 percent of the arrears be paid in the current fiscal and the remaining 60 percent next year. The arrears would be paid in cash.The employees will get new pay packages from November onwards after the Parliament in September passes the Finance Ministry’s supplementary Demand For Grant to fund the wage bill.Although the Pay Commission had suggested the scrapping of Group D personnel such as peons and coolies and wanted them to be subsumed in Group C, the panel has rejected it. The demands of both armed forces and IPS officers were approved by the Union Cabinet. A DGP will get a salary of Rs. 80,000 per month. The government will have to bear an additional burden of Rs. 11,000 crore due to the unprecedented pay hike.
The Armed Forces have reasons to smile, as most of their demands have been met. In addition to the hike in their pay structure, all military officials below the officer rank would get Rs. 2000 per month as military service pay (MSP). Higher ranked military officials will get in the range of Rs. 3000 - 6000 military service pay (MSP). Brigadiers will be put in Pay Band 4 (Rs. 39,200 - Rs. 67,000). All mid-level defence officials will be put on higher pay band
Government approves Sixth Pay Commission recommendations -ZEE NEWS
The new pay commission’s recommendations will be effective from January, 2006 as the term of the Fifth Pay Commission ended on December 31, 2005. However, the arrears will not be disbursed in one go but will be divided into two components to be given by the end of next year. 40% of the arrears will be disbursed in 2008, while the remaining 60% will be doled out in 2009.
The revised pay scale will be effective from next month.
As per the cleared proposal, the minimum basic pay for government employees has been revised to Rs 7000, while the minimum salary per month at the lowest level will now be Rs 10000.
Uniform 3% raise in basic pay every year against the norm is a Rs 500-increase annually within grade scale
At least three promotions will be ensured for both civilian and defence personal. In case of civilians it will be at the 10th, 20th and 30th year and in case of defence by 16th, 18th and 24th year.
Mid-level defence personal will be now placed in the higher pay scale. Also, the defence and paramilitary personal to get more allowances.
Military service pay for persons below the officer rank (POBR) would be Rs 2,000 per month. Hike in salaries of Brigadiers as they will now be in Pay Band 4 (Rs 39,200-67,000) from the suggested Pay Band 3 (Rs 15,600-39,100)
Government doctors with 20 or more years of service can be promoted to joint secretary level. Non-practicing doctors also to get special allowance.
No Cabinet Secretary rank for Intelligence Bureau chief, the three Service chiefs and others in that league.
DIG-scale abolished in IPS and Indian Forest Service.
Group D personnel to stay (peons in ministries and porters in Railways)
The financial implications, with the implementation of the new structure, for the central government for the year 2008-09 will be Rs 15,700, while for the railways it will be to the tune of Rs 6400. The decision was taken after the Cabinet meet chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and attended by External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Defence Minister A K Antony and Finance Minister P Chidambaram unanimously passed the much awaited new pay commission report.
Govt approves Sixth Pay Commission report
NEW DELHI: The government on Thursday approved the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations, heaping civil and defence staff with a salary hike bonanza on the eve of the country's 61st Independence Day. According to Information and Broadcast Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunshi, the revised pay scales will take effect from January 1, 2006. He added that arrears will be paid in two installments, 40 per cent this fiscal and 60 per cent in the next financial year. Approving the recommendations with slight modification, Dasmunsi said that the new system includes four pay bands and the mid-level officers have been placed in the highest pay band. The minimum entry level pay has been raised to Rs 7,000 from Rs 6,660 per month recommended by the Commission. The minister also added that special allowances will be provided to Army commandoes and their Naval and Air Force equivalents. The Sixth Pay Commission, headed by Justice B N Srikrishna, had in March submitted its report to the government, recommending an average 28 per cent hike for central government staff and defence personnel. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday held a meeting with External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Defence Minister A K Antony and Finance Minister P Chidambaram to discuss the pay commission report and the recommendations of the empowered committee of Secretaries that went into it. The pay round comes roughly once a decade and the previous one in 1997 raised salaries for federal employees by nearly 40 per cent, prompting many state governments to follow suit and blowing the combined state and federal deficit to nearly 10 per cent of GDP.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Windfall for bureaucrats as PM goes beyond Pay Panel
The new pay package for the 55 lakh Central government employees, to be announced on August 15, proposes a 20 per cent raise over the pay bands suggested by the Commission. The panel in May suggested a gross 40 per cent hike, which means an effective 25 per cent after taxes. “The net jump in pay would be upwards of 30 per cent with the additional increase more for lower grade staff to narrow their difference with the (pay of) senior officials,” said sources.
This raise takes into account the Commission’s miscalculation of the dearness allowance - absorbed in the new basic pay—as 74 per cent whereas it should have been 83 per cent, they said. The proposed annual increment in the basic pay would also be a tad higher than the 2.5 per cent suggested by the Commission.
The Cabinet proposal talks of a uniform 3 per cent raise every year. The current norm is a Rs 500-increase in the basic pay annually within the grade scale.
But what would be music to the bureaucrats’ ears is that the PM has shot down Finance Minister P Chidambaram’s suggestion that the new wage be effective from January 2007 instead of January 2006 because of the heavy run on this year’s Budget. Chidambaram had also wanted that the past dues be parked in the General Provident Fund to be provided as pension after retirement of the employees so that this year’s outgo from the Budget would be limited to Rs 12,500 crore.
But the PM would have none of that. He has ensured that the new pay would be effective from January 2006, as recommended by the Commission, with 40 per cent of the arrears paid in the current fiscal and the remaining 60 per cent next year.
The actual pay-out would come in November after the monsoon session of Parliament in September passes the Finance Ministry’s supplementary Demand For Grant to fund the wage bill, said sources.
What has also been shot down, though by the Committee of Secretaries, is the inclusion of heads of other services in the rank of Cabinet Secretary. The CS will remain primus inter pares, the first among equals, and that position would not be granted to the head of Intelligence Bureau, the three service chiefs or the Chairman Railway Board—as had been demanded.
There would also be no scrapping of Group D personnel (peons in ministries and coolies in Indian Railways). The Commission had suggested that these posts be subsumed in Group C of clerks, fresh induction be stopped and jobs be outsourced.
As for the armed forces, the good news is that military service pay for persons below the officer rank (POBR) would be Rs 2,000 per month. The forces had demanded Rs 3,000 as against Rs 1,000 introduced by the commission.
There would also be a significant improvement in the salaries of Brigadiers as the government has agreed to put them in Pay Band 4 (Rs 39,200-67,000) as against the suggested pay band 3 (Rs 15,600 - 39,100).
For the Indian Police Service and Indian Forest Service, relief would come in the form of abolition of the Deputy Inspector General scale. There would also be no discrimination between Group B and Group A service officers in the form of a differential basic pay at the time of joining, as suggested by the Commission. They would both start at the same scale, as is prevalent now, said sources.
A 20 % raise over the pay bands suggested by the Commission
Uniform 3% raise in basic pay every year. The norm is a Rs 500-increase annually within grade scale
New wages to be effective from January 2006
No Cabinet Secretary rank for Intelligence Bureau chief, the three Service chiefs or the Chairman, Railway Board
Group D personnel to stay (peons in ministries and porters in Railways)
Military service pay for persons below the officer rank (POBR) would be Rs 2,000 per month
Significant hike in salaries of Brigadiers: they move to Pay Band 4 (Rs 39,200-67,000) from the suggested Pay Band 3 (Rs 15,600-39,100)
DIG-scale abolished in IPS and Indian Forest Service
Pay panel package to be unveiled on I-Day
The wait of the over-five-million Central government employees over the government's take on the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations may come to an end on August 15. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is expected to make the final announcement on the issue from the ramparts of the Red Fort in his Independence Day speech after the Cabinet takes up the final package based on the commission's report at its meeting scheduled for Thursday.
The government has accepted most recommendations of the commission for higher pay scales, sources said. The employees are expected to get arrears effective from January 1, 2006 as recommended by the commission. However, it is likely that the dues from 2006 to December 2007 are to be credited to the employees' provident fund. The arrears due from January 2008 would be given as part of the salary. The move is expected to help the government trim expenses on account of payment of arrears, which is estimated at Rs 18,060 crore.
The demands of the defence forces to hike the military special pay along with higher pay for all ranks of defence personnel are likely to be met. The government might double the military special pay to Rs 2000 per month.
However, the government is understood to have not conceded to the demands made by the railway ministry, which had sought higher salary for certain employee grades and the elevation of office of chairman railway board to that of Cabinet secretary.
The government, however, remained silent on making 62 years the retirement age from present 60 years.
The final view on the issue was taken at a high-level meeting held at the Prime Minister's Office on Wednesday attended by the top brass of the UPA government such as the Prime Minister, the finance minister and the defence minister.
The report submitted in March, had suggested a 35% to 50% salary hike for most government employees. The proposed hike in salaries is expected to increase the government's gross wage bill by Rs 12,561 crore in 2008-09.
The armed forces were unhappy with the pay hikes but now sources say a compromise has been reached between the government and the services
NDTV Correspondent
Wednesday, August 13, 2008, (New Delhi)
Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh held a closed meet with his senior Cabinet colleagues on Wednesday regarding the pay commission recommendations.It is learnt that the Cabinet is all set to clear the Sixth Pay Commission recommendations on Thursday. The Prime Minister will announce details during his independence day speech. About 5.4 million government employees will get their pay hikes and the government will have to shell out an extra Rs 20,000 crore.The armed forces were unhappy with the pay hikes but now sources say a compromise has been reached between the government and the services. The government has accepted the demands of the defence forces. But it's a bit less than the 15% extra they had demanded. So, if in April the promised hike for a colonel was 15 thousand rupees, now it's going to be about 19 thousand.
Govt to approve pay panel report tomorrow
Posted at Wednesday, 13 August 2008 19:08 IST
New Delhi, Aug 13: Civil servants, armed forces and paramilitary personnel will get to rejoice this Independence Day with the government all set to approve the Sixth Pay Commission report in its Cabinet meeting tomorrow.Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today chaired a meeting attended by External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Defence Minister A K Antony and Finance Minister P Chidambaram and discussed the pay commission report and the recommendations of the empowered committee of Secretaries that went into the anomalies."The Cabinet is likely to take up the sixth pay panel report for approval tomorrow and the matter was discussed at a meeting chaired by the PM today," official sources said.Though the sources refused to share details of the meeting or the amendment to the pay panel report submitted by its chairperson Justice Sri Krishna earlier this year, the increase over the commission's recommendations are likely to be the tune of 1.83 times of the net pay for the armed forces personnel and a substantial raise for civil servants too.The pay commission had originally recommended that the pay for the armed forces be hiked by 1.74 times, calculated on the basis of the inflationary factors.When the Sixth Pay Commission had submitted its report, armed forces personnel had expressed their resentment, openly that also led to protest rallies by retired personnel, demanding a better deal considering the hardship factor involved in their services.The tri-services top bosses too had done some hard lobbying with the Defence Minister, who in turn had batted on behalf of the armed forces with the Finance Ministry.The government then set up a high-powered committee headed by Cabinet Secretary K M Chandrasekhar to look into the anomalies pointed out by different sections of the government servants, including those from the defence services.Among the pay panel recommendations that led to a heart burn among the armed forces personnel were the "low hikes" in their salaries, even as the panel had recommended up to 40 per cent hikes in the salaries of personnel, both officers and other ranks. They were also unhappy with the "measly" amount of Rs 1,000 to be paid as Military Service Pay to other ranks, while the officers all across ranks got a MSP of Rs 6,000.The demand put forth before the empowered committee of secretaries by the Defence Ministry was Rs 3,000 MSP for other ranks.There was another irritant in the Sixth Pay Panel recommendations over the dilution of status of armed forces officers vis-a-vis their counterparts in the civil services.The tri-services pointed out that while an officer in the Army and its equivalent in Navy and Air Force took 30 years to pick up the rank of major-general, the civil services officers became joint secretaries in the government after just 14 years of service.They had also pointed out that the sixth pay panel had reduced the number of pay bands to two between Lieutenants and Brigadiers.This led to stagnation of officers in the rank of Lt Colonel and above without picking up the corresponding increments if they were not selected for the next rank in the promotion boards, though they may have served in the rank for the same number of years as their civilian counterparts.Though all of the armed forces personnel's demands may not be acceded to by the government, it is likely to increase the MSP for other ranks from the existing recommendation of Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,000, sources said.
6th Pay Panel report to be approved on Aug 14
Civil servants, armed forces and paramilitary personnel will get to rejoice this Independence Day with the government all set to approve the Sixth Pay Commission report in its Cabinet meeting on Thursday.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday chaired a meeting attended by External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, Defence Minister A K Antony and Finance Minister P Chidambaram and discussed the pay commission report and the recommendations of the empowered committee of secretaries that went into the anomalies.
All about the 6th Pay Commission report
"The Cabinet is likely to take up the Sixth Pay Panel report for approval on Thursday and the matter was discussed at a meeting chaired by the PM today," official sources said.
Though the sources refused to share the details of the meeting or the amendment to the pay panel report submitted by its chairperson Justice Sri Krishna earlier this year, the increase over the commission's recommendations are likely to be the tune of 1.83 times of the net pay for the armed forces personnel and a substantial raise for civil servants too.
The Pay Commission had originally recommended that pay for the armed forces be hiked by 1.74 times, calculated on the basis of the inflationary factors.
When the Sixth Pay Commission had submitted its report, armed forces personnel had expressed their resentment, openly that also led to protest rallies by retired personnel, demanding a better deal considering the hardship factor involved in their services.
The tri-services top bosses too had done some hard lobbying with the defence minister, who in turn had batted on behalf of the armed forces with the finance ministry.
The government then set up a high-powered committee headed by Cabinet secretary K M Chandrasekhar to look into the anomalies pointed out by different sections of the government servants, including those from the defence services.
New pay package for armed forces likely on August 15
The announcement is expected as a final decision on the contentious issue of increasing the perks and salaries of the armed forces has now been taken. According to sources, a couple of meetings in a run up to the final decision have been taking place in the ministry of defence.
Talking to FE on condition of anonymity, ministry sources said, “a lot of meetings have been taking place and all the issues that had been put before the government have been sorted out.”
Announcement of the new policy for the armed forces is imminent, sources added. The hectic meetings have been attended by the defence minister AK Antony, the finance minister P Chidambaram and the Cabinet secretary K Chandrashekhar.
It is expected that the government will announce an attractive package that will enhance the pay and perks of the men in uniform by almost 20%. Also, the new package is expected to create around 4,000 more posts of colonels, brigadiers and generals in the Army and their equivalents in the Navy and Air Force to address the issue of resentment due to stagnation in the forces.
Ever since the Pay Commission submitted its report on May 24, with what was initially seen as a 40% hike in salaries being whittled down to 20% after taxes, armed forces have been protesting against this. They even submitted a joint memorandum on this to the defence minister, who promised them a fair deal. In their memorandum, the chiefs had demanded a parity with civilian employees, and expressed their displeasure over the military service pay that had been recommended in a bid to reduce this disparity, the sources said.
The service chiefs believe that after taking into account taxes and other deductions, the wage hike in real terms would amount to only 20%. Besides, the service chiefs contend that personnel below officer rank (PBOR) have received a raw deal in the Commission’s recommendations, the sources said.
Sources said while the Pay Commission’s recommendations were discussed in the meeting, also some fresh recommendations have been adopted for the armed forces. The package as suggested by the empowered group of secretaries headed by the Cabinet secretary KM Chandrasekhar has also been finalised during the meetings.
सिफारिशों से 12 फीसद अधिक पाएंगे कर्मचारी
Sixth Pay Commission report to be put up for approval
The Sixth Pay Commission has recommended an effective 28 per cent hike in wages of central government employees.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Cabinet likely to clear Pay Panel report, PM may declare on I-Day
Posted online: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 0120 hrs
New Delhi, August 12: The Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) is working overtime to ensure that the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission are deliberated and approved by the Cabinet on Thursday so that the Prime Minister could announce it on Independence Day. Sources said that DoPT officials were readying the note for the Cabinet which would retain the Commission’s recommendation of an average 25 per cent increase in the basic pay of the Central government employees, including the armed forces.
However, there would be minor changes from the panel’s advisory with the proposal to introduce the raise from January 2007, as is being pushed by Finance Minister P Chidambaram, instead of January 2006 suggested by the panel.
The wage hike would be available in hard currency from April 2008 with past dues—or arrears—parked in the general Provident Fund to be provided as pension after retirement.
The aim of this exercise is to limit the outgo this year to Rs 12,500 crore, or else Chidambaram would have to shell out Rs 30,000 crore in one go, said sources.
The proposal would also incorporate the wish of the armed forces to improve the emoluments for jawans posted at frontiers by doubling the military special pay to Rs 2,000 per month.
The Indian Police Service and Indian Forest Service would get relief with the abolition of the Deputy Inspector General scale as this position was getting to become a resting place for them thereby delaying their promotion.
There is no mention of the retirement age being raised to 62 years from current 60 years as has been frequently reported in the media, said sources.
The ball was set rolling last Thursday when the Principal Secretary to the PM, TKA Nair, was shown a presentation on the Committee of Secretaries’ approvals on Pay Commission recommendations.
The timing matches with the likely monsoon session of Parliament in September when the Finance Ministry would have to move for a supplementary demand for grant to fund the wage bill.
Defence Minister A K Antony is meeting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday to take a final decision on the pay hike revision for the armed forces. The meeting, which will also be attended by the Finance Minister, will take a final call on salaries for the armed forces who have expressed their dissatisfaction with the Sixth Pay Commission Report.
Sources said while the main change would be doubling of the Military Service Pay (MSP) for soldiers to Rs 2,000 per month, the pay structure of officers will not be changed much. However, allowances for Lt Gen rank officers posted at Service Headquarters are expected to be increased and brought at par with Commander in Chiefs posted across the country.
Ministry sources said that Antony would also be pitching for an increase in pay over and above the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries before the PM. The minister is expected to push for an MSP of Rs 3,000 for soldiers due to the hardships faced by them.
सैन्यकर्मियों के संशोधित वेतन पर बैठक कल
नई दिल्ली। लगभग तेरह लाख सैन्यकर्मियों की संशोधित वेतन की मांग को अंतिम रूप देने के लिए बुधवार को प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह की अध्यक्षता में एक उच्चस्तरीय बैठक हो रही है।
उच्च पदस्थ सूत्रों ने बताया कि इस संशोधित वेतनमान की अधिसूचना स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर जारी होने की संभावना है और डा सिंह लाल किले के प्राचीर से ही सैन्य बलों के बढे हुये वेतन की खुशखबरी सुनाएंगे। उल्लेखनीय है कि छठें वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशे सामने आने के बाद सशस्त्र बलों में संतोष व्याप्त हो गया था और उनकी विसंगतियों को सुनने के लिए प्रधानमंत्री की पहल पर कैबिनेट सचिव की अध्यक्षता में समिति गठित की गई थी।
सूत्रों ने बताया कि प्रधानमंत्री के साथ बैठक में रक्षा मंत्री ए के एंटनी, वित्तमंत्री पी चिदंबरम और कैबिनेट सचिव के एम चंद्रशेखर भी मौजूद होंगे। समझा जाता है कि वेतन आयोग द्वारा सुझाई गई सिफारिशों में सैन्य बलों के अधिकारियों के वेतन में 15 से 20 प्रतिशत तक की बढोत्तरी हो रही है, जबकि जवानों के लिए सैन्य भत्तों में भी एक हजार रुपये बढ़ाए जाने की संभावना है।
Saturday, August 9, 2008
HMS for 12% increase in 6th pay panel wages
The Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) also wanted an increase in the annual increment and transport allowance and Rs 1,000 per month for each ward of government employees as education allowance, said its general secretary Mr U M Purohit here.
He said recommendations of the pay commission, submitted on March 24 last, were likely to be finalised next week. Mr Purohit, a former president of International Transport Federation, said the aim of HMS was to unite all trade unions.
HMS, which had completed 60 years of its existence, had 54 lakh government employees as members, the HMS President Mr Thampan Thomas said. - PTI
Friday, August 8, 2008
AMU strike to protest delay in 6th Pay Commission report
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
छठे वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों को एक या दो साल आगे बढाने पर विचार
केन्द्र सरकार के 45 लाख कर्मचारियों को इस खबर से निराशा हो सकती है लेकिन सच यह है कि सरकार छठे वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों को एक या दो वर्ष के लिए टालने पर विचार रही है।
सिफारिशों के तहत कर्मचारियों के वेतन में औसतन 28 प्रतिशत बढ़ोतरी करने का प्रस्ताव है। वित्तीय भार से बचने के लिए सरकार चुनावी साल में ऐसा कड़ा कदम उठाने पर मजबूर है। न्यायमूर्ति बी एन श्रीकृष्णा की अध्यक्षता वाले वेतन आयोग ने इस साल मार्च में अपनी रिपोर्ट सरकार को सौंपी थी।वरिष्ठ सरकारी सूत्रों ने बिजनेस स्टैंडर्ड को बताया है कि सरकार के वित्तीय हालत को देखते हुए सिफारिशों को दो साल आगे बढ़ाकर 1 जनवरी 2008 से लागू किया जा सकता है। हालांकि अंतरिम अवधि में सेवानिवृत्त होने वाले कर्मचारियों को इसमें राहत दी जा सकती है। केन्द्र सरकार की सेवा में निचले दर्जे के कर्मचारियों को भी कुछ राहत दी जा सकती है हालांकि यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि यह राहत कैसी होगी। उल्लेखनीय है कि सरकारी कर्मचारियों में सबसे अधिक संख्या इन कर्मचारियों की ही है। वेतन आयोग ने नए वेतनमान को 1 जनवरी 2006 से लागू करने की सिफारिश की थी। यदि नई सिफारिशों को हूबहू लागू कर दिया गया तो इससे वित्त वर्ष 2008-09 के दौरान सरकारी खजाने पर 7,975 करोड़ रुपये का अतिरिक्त भार पड़ेगा। बकाया राशि का भुगतान किश्तों में किया जाए ताकि वित्तीय भार को कम किया जा सके। रिपोर्ट के दाखिल होने से पहले वित्त मंत्रालय के अधिकारियों ने कहा था कि 2008-09 के दौरान सिफारिशों का असर सकल घरेलू उत्पाद के 0.4 प्रतिशत से अधिक नहीं होगा। दूसरे विशेषज्ञों का कहना था कि असर जीडीपी के 0.5 प्रतिशत से अधिक नहीं होगा। वित्त वर्ष 2008-09 के बजट में वित्त मंत्रालय ने 2.5 प्रतिशत के राजकोषीय घाटे का अनुमान व्यक्त किया था जो वित्तीय उत्तरदायित्व और बजटीय प्रबंधन कानून, 2003 के अनुसार है।
Monday, August 4, 2008
Pay panel awards may be deferred
The report of the commission headed by Justice BN Srikrishna was submitted to the government on March 24 this year, nearly a fortnight before its 18-month tenure was to end.
Senior government sources told Business Standard that the government’s current fiscal position may well see the arrear payments deferred to January 1, 2008, two years later than originally recommended. However, a relaxation may be granted to employees who have retired in the interim period.
Lower-level government staff in central government service, which comprises a large part of the employee base, may also get some relaxation, although it is not clear what it will be.
The panel had recommended implementing the revised pay scales from January 1, 2006. The new pay scales, if implemented as originally recommended, would have cost the exchequer Rs 7,975 crore in fiscal 2008-09. However, the one-time additional outgo on account of the retrospective revision of salaries is estimated to be at Rs 18,060 crore. The arrears were to be given in instalments, which would have lessened the fiscal burden.
Before the report was submitted, finance ministry officials had said the impact of the recommendations would be within 0.4 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2008-09. Other experts have said the impact would not exceed 0.5 per cent of GDP, unlike the previous fifth Pay Commission award when the impact was much higher.
In Budget 2008-09, the finance ministry has estimated the fiscal deficit at 2.5 per cent of GDP, which is in line with the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003. This included headroom for the likely impact of the Pay Commission award. However, subsequent developments have led to the fear that the Centre’s fiscal position may have taken a beating during the year on account of the farm loan relief package and higher crude oil prices leading to an increase in the subsidy burden.
In fact, risk rating agency Moody’s today forecast a deterioration of central government finances and pointed out that the central government’s true borrowing need — which equals the reported fiscal deficit plus off-Budget borrowing — could reach 10 per cent of GDP, up from 8 per cent projected earlier this fiscal if global crude oil prices average $110/120 a barrel in 2008-09 and domestic retail fuel prices are not raised further.
Soon after the report was published, the defence services had opposed its recommendations on the grounds that it gave short-shrift to their demands. The matter was referred to a committee of secretaries. It is believed that the issue has been discussed and a final proposal may be put up for Cabinet consideration, officials said.
They added that a final decision could be taken as early as next month, well before six states head for elections to their legislatures. Of these, the Congress-ruled Delhi is crucial, being home to a large percentage of the country’s central government employees.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
No New Pay Scale Declared By CoS Till Date
It is also only expected that the Thirteenth Finance Commission is to review pay panel recommendations, but not yet referred to 13th FC. The next cabinet meeting is on 7th August and it is expected that the issue will be discuss on7th August 08 .
For the Implementation of the SPC report State govt employees set to boycott work
LUCKNOW: The state employees will go on a one day strike on August 20 in support of their demand for the implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission report. The call for the strike has been given by the State Employee’s Joint Council, Uttar Pradesh. Prior to this the council members will hold a call attention dharna relating to their other demands at all district headquarters on August 8. Memorandums will be handed to the district magistrates to be forwarded to the chief minister. Mass awakening programmes will be held between July 20 and August 7. As a result, employees in banks, insurance companies, railways and medical representatives in the state will all boycott work in support of the nation-wide strike call. General secretary of UP Medical and Sales Representatives' Association (UPMSRA) Subodh Awasthi squarely blamed the Central government’s pro-American policies for inflation. He alleged that the measures being taken by the government to arrest price rise were faulty. He said Union finance minister P Chidambaram’s explanation that the unprecedented price rise was due to the soaring prices of petroleum products in international market was also illusory. Their main demands are implementation of PDS all over the country, immediate ban on forward trading on all essential commodities, slashing of taxes on petrol and diesel, stern action against hoarders.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Committee Of Secretary Proposed Retirement Age 60 To 62
for detail click on below link
Friday, August 1, 2008
Govt. take decision on pay Panel very soon
Pay Panel Decision Soon
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Global agencies downgrade India's rating
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Salary revisions may take time
July 30: The hopes of millions of Central government employees, including those from defence and paramilitary forces, for early implementation of their long-pending wage revision are likely to be dashed, as the government is set to refer the Sixth Pay Commission report to the 13th Finance Commission for evaluation and possible impact on the fiscal health of the country.
Sources in the government confirmed that the pay commission report is going to be taken up by the Union Cabinet for consideration during its meeting on Thursday. But as the Cabinet notes suggest, the report is most likely to be referred to the 13th Finance Commission to asses the impact on government treasury, they added.
Interestingly, issues relating to oil bonds worth Rs 39.5 thousand crores and fertiliser subsidies worth about more than Rs 1 lakh crore are also slated to be referred to the Finance Commission.
These issues have been referred to the commission with a set of terms of reference, which include cost assessment in case of the Sixth Pay Commission report. While in case of oil and fertiliser subsidies, the commission has to decide how to stager in repayment and minimise the impact on government exchequer.
The Finance Commission is headed by Mr Vijay L. Kelkar, former Union finance secretary and adviser to the finance minister.
The other members include Ms Indira Rajaraman, emeritus professor, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Mr Abusaleh Shariff, chief economist, National Council of Applied Economic Research and Mr Atul Sarma, former vice-chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi University (formerly Arunachal University). Mr Sumit Bose is the secretary to the commission, while Mr B.K. Chaturvedi, member, Planning Commission, is a part-time member.
Incidentally, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday had a presentation session on the Sixth Pay Commission report with Cabinet Secretary K.M. Chandrashekhar.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Pay panel review: All eyes now on PM
NEW DELHI: Millions of central government employees, including those from defence and paramilitary forces, are eagerly waiting for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's response to the changes suggested by a high-level committee that examined the proposals of the 6th Pay Commission. On Monday, the committee, headed by cabinet secretary K M Chandrasekhar and comprising secretaries of other key ministries, apprised the PM of the modifications made in the original recommendations, besides telling him about the financial burden that the implementation of the pay report would entail. Top government sources, however, maintained that the changes were "only minor" as the original report was in itself a complete exercise and the hikes suggested were "already satisfactory". They, however, indicated "some changes" in salaries and allowances of defence, paramilitary and police personnel. The review report is expected to be presented at the next meeting of the Union Cabinet and, if cleared, implemented thereafter. Sources said the entire exercise should not take "more than 10 days", provided the Cabinet does not call for clarifications. The implementation of the report's key financial proposals is likely to further aggravate the inflationary pressure that is already impacting the economy adversely. According to the original report, submitted on March 24, the proposals are to be implemented with effect from January 2006 and the employees are anxiously waiting to receive the arrears of 31 months (till July), which should be a good amount at all levels. The arrear payment burden itself would be over Rs 18,000 crore, but employee associations have argued that at the current salary levels, government servants are finding it hard to cope with rising prices.
Six pay commission Modifications on pay panel 6600 minimum basic, 90000 maximum
Although the details of the improvements, suggested by the high-level committee, were not known immediately, it is learnt that the committee informed the Prime Minister about the financial implications of the modifications.
The Government had earlier asked a committee of secretaries, headed by Chandrasekhar, to look into the recommendations made by Justice B N Srikrishna, who headed the 6th Pay Commission, on the salary structure of government employees following protests from different groups, especially personnel from the armed forces and IPS officers.
The pay commission has suggested an effective increase of 28 per cent in salaries of over four million central government employees.
The commission recommended implementation of the revised pay from January 1, 2006, which would impose an arrear payout burden of Rs 18,060 crore on the government.
The revised pays fixed the salary of Cabinet Secretary at Rs 90,000 a month and that for a Secretary at Rs 80,000 per month, while making Rs 6,660 as the minimum entry level salary.
Recommending a substantial increase in allowances and other benefits, the Commission also suggested a 40 per cent increase in pension and family pension.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Pay panel award likely in August
A 13-member committee of secretaries, headed by cabinet secretary K.M. Chandrasekhar, screening the proposals is said to be “at the fag end” of the process. Over 3.3 million government employees are expecting a hike. The pay panel had submitted its report on March 24.
The committee screening the pay panel’s suggestions was formed at the insistence of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh following complaints from several quarters. Its report will be submitted to the cabinet.
The screening committee also includes the revenue and secretaries in the finance ministry, the home secretary, the defence secretary and the special secretary (internal security) in the home ministry. The secretaries of the departments of personnel and training, pension and pensioners’ welfare are also its members.
Work on the recommendations could have been wrapped up faster but the government’s focus has been diverted in the past few days to terror in the wake of the back-to-back serial blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad. The preoccupation with the strikes could also delay social projects and reforms the Centre wants to push with greater vigour after winning the trust vote on July 22.
Other legislations from which the focus has shifted include a bill on social security for unorganised sector workers. The review of welfare schemes like the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the Integrated Child Development Scheme and the 15-point programme for minorities could also be delayed, the sources said.
Modifications on pay panel suggestions presented to PM
Although the details of the improvements, suggested by the high-level committee, were not known immediately, it is learnt that the committee informed the Prime Minister about the financial implications of the modifications.
The Government had earlier asked a committee of secretaries, headed by Chandrasekhar, to look into the recommendations made by Justice B N Srikrishna, who headed the 6th Pay Commission, on the salary structure of government employees following protests from different groups, especially personnel from the armed forces and IPS officers.
The pay commission has suggested an effective increase of 28 per cent in salaries of over four million central government employees.
The commission recommended implementation of the revised pay from January 1, 2006, which would impose an arrear payout burden of Rs 18,060 crore on the government.
The revised pays fixed the salary of Cabinet Secretary at Rs 90,000 a month and that for a Secretary at Rs 80,000 per month, while making Rs 6,660 as the minimum entry level salary.
Recommending a substantial increase in allowances and other benefits, the Commission also suggested a 40 per cent increase in pension and family pension.
DA correction to add to pay panel’s goodies
NEW DELHI: The Sixth Pay Commission award for government officials is likely to be sweetened with an upward revision in the dearness allowance (DA) entitlement. The committee of secretaries (CoS) looking into the recommendations made by the Sixth Pay Commission has suggested a change in the DA calculations. This could result in additional benefit of Rs 300-3,000 a month to a government employee, depending on her level. The CoS, headed by Cabinet secretary K M Chandrashekhar, is giving finishing touches to the report that is expected to be submitted soon. The report would then go to the Cabinet for approval. Government sources said the change has been suggested in the wake of an across-the-board protest by government employees against the way DA allowance was fixed. The Fifth Pay Commission had recommended that the 50% DA payable in April 2004 be merged with basic pay. The dearness pay was to be counted as basic pay for all practical purposes, including for retirement benefit. Thus, logically, as on January 1, 2006, the recommended date of Sixth Pay Commission award, the 24% DA payable should have been on a salary that included the 50% DA that was merged with basic pay from April 2004. In its calculation, however, instead of compounding the two DA components — 50% as on April 1, 2004 and 24% as on January 1, 2006 — the commission added them, yielding a figure of 74% composite DA. Consequently, while shifting to the concept of grade pay, the pay commission fixed the base salary as on January 1, 2006, at the basic pay drawn along with dearness allowance at the rate of 74%, and rounded it off to next multiple of 10. The anomaly resulted in a loss of roughly 7% to government employees. To put it simply, if an employee had a basic salary of Rs 100 on April 1, 2004, according to the Fifth Pay Commission calculation, he would have a total salary of Rs 150 (including 50% DA). A 24% DA on that would increase his salary to Rs 186 — and not Rs 174 on January 1, 2006, used as the base for calculating Sixth Pay Commission award. The committee of secretaries is understood to have proposed that the anomaly be corrected and the DA be fixed at 86% and not 74%. So, in case of a government employee in the Rs 2,550 pre-revised payscale, the revised pay in running pay band would become Rs 4,743 (increase of 86%) against Rs 4,440 (74% increase), a gain of over Rs 300. At the director level, in the payscale of Rs 18,300, the difference because of the change would be over Rs 2,000 a mo .
- Revised Pay Band and Grade Pay for certain specified posts in Zonal Railways/Production Units and other Railway offices
- Restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Central Public Sector Undertakings/ Central Autonomous Bodies implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission.
- Recommendations of VI CPC - Grant of Non Practising Allowance (NPA) at revised rates to IRMS officers
- Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008- Schedules for Revised Scales of Pay.(22.09.08)
- Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission- Revision of provisions regulating pension/ gratuity/ commutation of pension/ family pension/ disability pension.
- Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008- Schedules for Revised Scales of pay
- IAS (Pay) 2nd Amendment Rules, 2008 New
- Clarifications on CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008(Dated 15th September 2008)
- Central Secretariat (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance and Grant of Deputation (Duty) Allowance
- Training Allowance and Sumptuary Allowance
- Grant of Children Education Assistance and Reimbursement of Tuition Fee
- Office Memorandum - Implementation of Sixth CPC Report for Pre - 2006 Pensioners (Dated 1st September 2008)
- Resolution containing Government's decision on Sixth CPC Report (Relating to Pension)
- Resolution containing Government's decision on Sixth CPC Report